Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals needed a reliable way to train healthcare professionals to administer their medications, which are delivered via precise injections to highly sensitive sites on the head and neck. We created a high-tech, interactive injection simulator that both facilitates hands-on learning and serves as a totally novel brand experience.
concept development
software development
Visual Design
Media Production
This one-of-its-kind simulator helps physicians and other medical staff improve their accuracy, consistency and confidence when administering Ipsen’s injectable medications. Users inject a life-sized mannequin bust covered with self-healing silicone with a custom syringe that precisely tracks their positioning and dosage. An adjacent digital display shows a 3-D view of the musculature, the syringe’s placement and depth, and can alert practitioners when they’ve hit their target or entered a danger zone.
We introduced our first iteration of the simulator a decade ago, and have continued to collaborate with the client to adapt and grow this sophisticated technology to work across multiple platforms, including online and with AR, to anticipate changing market trends and expand their reach.
The original simulator was used at tradeshows, and the pandemic meant pivoting to a more portable design for in-office use. The AR version of the simulator uses a custom, touch-sensitive syringe that interfaces with a tablet to guide practitioners with the same precise placement and dosing information as the mannequin model. AR technology lets users “practice” on actual bodies by revealing internal musculature and vascular structures.